
April 18, 2016

Oil Pulling Challenge: Day 1

I've known/heard about oil pulling for some time now, and although I have ample amounts of coconut oil laying around my house from essential oil usage and cloth diapering, I've yet to give oil pulling a try. So I decided to tonight. I read online that it's best to do first thing in the morning, but I'm a "on a whim" kind of girl so my first time trying this was after dinner;) 

I was a little apprehensive at first putting that big glob into my mouth, and chewing it was slightly gag worthy, but it only lasted a minute before melting into liquid and that didn't bother me at all. The taste was pretty much nothing, so that was a pleasant surprise as I'd read it taste weird. And then came the swishing part. No problem. The only issue I had swishing on and off for 20 minutes was my daughter and husband trying to get me to talk without success, and me having to panamime why I wasn't speaking. 20 minutes came and went no problem so I spit it out in the trash can, brushed my teeth, and gargled with salt water as recommended. The worst part of the whole experience was the salt water. Apparently I don't actually know how to gargle properly because I psyched myself out several times and almost gagged myself. Haha at least no one was watching that part. 

So Day 1 was a success! I will post a Day 2 update tomorrow!!

Much Love,

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