
May 15, 2016

Block scheduling

One of the tasks to do in "Say Goodbye to Survival Mode" was about creating a block schedule, using your priorities and main things, to map out how you spend your time each day. She suggested having 2 hours of margin time for unexpected events, and then spending the other 22 hours planned for what you want to get done in a day.

Here's the block schedule I created:
24hour block schedule (weekday hours)
7 hours sleep
1.5 hours driving
7 hours working
1 hour cooking
1 hour cleaning
2 hours margin time 
1 hours getting dressed; packing bags
1 hour personal time (social media, coloring, relaxing)
.5 eating 
1 hour family time
1 hour writing

Now I know that I'm probably forgetting some things, which is why my schedule looks decent, but in reality it probably won't really look that pretty lol. I've realized recently that I have a really hard time sitting still without doing something, and usually I resort to either getting up and not relaxing, or doing laundry as I try to relax. And sometimes that's fine, but most of the times I really need the rest time, just for a few minutes to get my energy back, before I can get back to the race.

The only issue that I'm finding with using a schedule like this is not having a set start time and end time. To me it makes more sense to say "I'll clean my house between 3-4pm" instead of just saying a wushu washy "I'll clean my house for an hour today." It will either end up being no cleaning at all or cleaning for 4.2 hours straight and not having time for anything else. I'm not sure, but maybe there's a trick to the follow through. I still haven't read past chapter 3 so maybe that will be  covered in the next chapter. If you want to check out the book for yourself, I HIGHLY recommend getting an account with Audible. It was super easy to sign up, and getting the book for free is awesome:) Anyways, here's hoping getting some type of schedule can give me some sanity. Peace ya'll✌️

Much Love, Michelle

May 14, 2016

Getting Back Control

Recently I've really been struggling to get my life "under control". I know that's a very abstract idea, but coming home to chaos and looking at my daunting to-do list and "forgot" list at work is incredibly overwhelming. My whole life I've been very forgetful and I manage my time and resources very poorly. About a year ago, I bought the kindle version of "Say Goodbye to Survial Mode" simply because of the title. I'm so tired of surviving, of just being alive, and not feeling like I actually do anything pertanent to my dreams and goals. Fast forward one year, and I still haven't read the whole book. Which is rediculous. I want to improve my quality of life, but I feel so overwhelmed, depressed, and helpless, I don't have the time and desire to do anything about it. Now, don't get me wrong, I've done plenty of good things over the past year that makes me feel better about the way I live life; I have a credit card; our bank account hasn't been over drafted in over 4 years (that was a huge struggle when my husband and I first got married; we kept track of our expenses very poorly) I listen to the bible daily (through a podcast!!!, I'm planning a future post about that!) and I at least keep up with the dishes. But, one of my goals is to keep my house presentable. And not like tv show homes presentable. Here, let me just show you what things look like around here now:
This is the book shelf in my hallway. My hallway is about 6 feet wide, and also doubles as an office and dining room (can you say #smallhouseprobs?! Lol) and this is what most of the hall looks like. There are scrapbooking things, seeing things, computer cords, books, scripts, photos, paint, projects left unfinished, office supplies, and lesson planning paperwork, and that's just on the shelves!! There are currently 3 totes on the floor that are full of things to be put away. I recently read a great article on a quick tidy up trick: all you do is put all the things that don't belong in said room into a basket to be put away later; my rooms were definitely cleaned faster, however, the "put away later" still hasn't happened. I also have *all the paper work in the whole house in a laundry basket in the pile....somewhere...  (That was another suggestion to get your paper work under control, and they suggested to go through the paper every Sunday evening; that Sunday hasn't come yet and it's been probably 3 months.) HOWEVER; I do know where all my paperwork is lol, I just have to dig through the basket when I desperately need something.

You see what I mean? I just need things more under control. We need less stuff actually, but decluttering is a whole different story haha. I've considered hiring professional help, but I don't think they will accept coloring pages as payment, and that's the only thing I seem to have an abundance of. 

So what am I doing to make my goals a reality? That's an excellent question. Well that's all folks!

Just kidding. I wouldn't leave such an awful cliffhanger like that. I just signed up for, and with my first free month, I got 1 audio book completely free; can you guess what I got? Ironically, the same book I already have in kindle version: "Say Goodbye to Survial Mode". Why in the world would I get the same book I already have? I think you know; I don't seem to have the time to sit down and actually read it!! BUT, I do commute 45 minutes to and from work every day. (Sleeping child in car too lol) So I have plenty of "listening time". And you know what? I've had the book for 4 days and I'm already in chapter 3! It's less than 7 hours of listening time, so I should have it done by next week!! I imagine it will take slightly longer, because there are so many nuggets and tips of information, as well as challenges to do for your own life. So far, I've learned that I really need to find out what my goals are. I've been concentrating so much on surviving, that I haven't had time for dreams and aspirations. It's time to find the time, to get things under control, and start living the way I want to instead of the way I feel like I have to.

Stay tuned for future posts about my progress, and for any other posts that pop into my brain;) TaTa for now!

Much Love, Michelle

April 19, 2016

Oil Pulling Challenge: Day 2

On to day numero dos of my self made oil pulling challenge. I forgot to do it as soon as I woke up... Hahaha coffee trumped it. But after my first cup of coffee I did do a spoonful of oil. Same as yesterday, but I avoided chewing it and just waited until it melted naturally. 

April 18, 2016

Oil Pulling Challenge: Day 1

I've known/heard about oil pulling for some time now, and although I have ample amounts of coconut oil laying around my house from essential oil usage and cloth diapering, I've yet to give oil pulling a try. So I decided to tonight. I read online that it's best to do first thing in the morning, but I'm a "on a whim" kind of girl so my first time trying this was after dinner;) 

I was a little apprehensive at first putting that big glob into my mouth, and chewing it was slightly gag worthy, but it only lasted a minute before melting into liquid and that didn't bother me at all. The taste was pretty much nothing, so that was a pleasant surprise as I'd read it taste weird. And then came the swishing part. No problem. The only issue I had swishing on and off for 20 minutes was my daughter and husband trying to get me to talk without success, and me having to panamime why I wasn't speaking. 20 minutes came and went no problem so I spit it out in the trash can, brushed my teeth, and gargled with salt water as recommended. The worst part of the whole experience was the salt water. Apparently I don't actually know how to gargle properly because I psyched myself out several times and almost gagged myself. Haha at least no one was watching that part. 

So Day 1 was a success! I will post a Day 2 update tomorrow!!

Much Love,

January 2, 2016

Mission Statement

I've never really seen myself as a dreamer, like I don't really have some huge pipeline goal for 25 years from now. But, every year I do always try to make some kind of change for myself for New Years. There's just something about a fresh start that really encourages people to think about things like that. Now, I'm not a crazy person who resolves to lose 50 lbs by July (and really my resolutions never have to do with my health anyway), I prefer(ed) easy wishy-washy resolutions like "be a better person" or "have fun". You know, things that I couldn't really mess up because they weren't specific enough. And I never kept track of what I wanted just invade I did fail. 

That all changed in 2015. I got a planner. And I've used planners in the past, but this one was different. It was like magic, because I found out that if I wanted to make a goal of finishing a book, all I had to do was to write down to finish the book by {insert date here} and I would. It was almost like seeing my goal every time I used my planner actually encouraged me to do it! (On a side note, I just learned I've been spelling incouraged wrong my whole life!!) Trippy, right?! Planning on doing something actually made it happen. So, just going on a whim here, I decided to plan "goals" for the new year, write them down, and then maybe, just maybe, they would actually happen!! {lightbulb!!}

But, I didn't have any goals. Or I thought I didn't. I just didn't know how to make goals. Like I said earlier, I dont have some life long dream for myself. I don't know what career I want to do forever, I don't know where I want to live, I don't even know how many kids I want. But I do know that whatever I do, I want it to be for God. So, I'm a little hesitant in making plans for myself, because seriously, His are way better. Having my daughter a month before I turned 21 was never something I would have chosen for myself, but she is the greatest gift I would have ever dreamed of having. And the nerdy clarinet player across the marching field wouldn't have been my first choice for a husband, but turns out nerdy clarinet boy was everything I have ever wanted. 

Anyway, back to goals. I didn't know where to start to plan goals for myself, so I turned to my trusty bff (Pinterest) and I found a printable {squeals!!} a FREE printable. Or maybe it was 50¢, I forget. But it was almost free. It was "The Goal Planning Workbook" (link ) {btw it is 50¢ if you sign up for her emails}.  This workbook changed me. The first thing she has you do is write your personal mission statement, and she links to another FREE workbook to do so, "Mission Statements for Moms", and even if your not a mom, seriously it will still get the job done phenomenally. (Link 
I followed each workbook step-by-step and prayed. And words came out of my head that I wouldn't have dreamed of.  I still want to write a mission statement for my blog, so that's on my list:)

Here's my own personal mission statement:

My purpose is
To yield my whole life to Gods plan, and bring glory to Him with all that I do.
To be Kalebs helper, and love him unconditionally, to inspire his faith through they purity and reverence of my actions.
To be a present and loving mom, and to teach my children the love of Christ and to serve Him above all else.
To show God's love to those around me, and to encourage and inspire others through teaching and creating. 

See what I mean?! It's probably grammatically incorrect, but hey, grammar isn't my purpose. It gets the job done. And I know what my priorities are in life. And I know how to make goals based on my priorities. And now, I know what to say no to, because I've found out what I want all my yeses to be for. God is so good. And I thank Him for the wonders of Pinterest, the Internet, and the inspiration of other bloggers. 

Much Love, Michelle

January 1, 2016

Welcome 2016

So as I was trying to write out all of my goals for 2016, more than once I wrote down that I really wanted to work on blogging. I'm not sure why, well sort of I do, but I'll get into that more later. Anyway, I really want to start blogging more regularly. So, no promises other than trying to blog more. So, today I want to share a new podcast I started listening to today. (Have I mentioned how much I love podcasts?) It's called "1 Year Daily Audio Bible" (link: ) {also ps I don't know how to do the fancy linking thing yet}  It's wonderful to listen to, and it completes another one of my goals for 2016:)  

Much Love, Michelle.

November 27, 2015

The Excellent Wife Chapter 1, continued

Ok so, after I posted my original post on Chapter 1 of the Excellent wife, I went to start studying chapter 2, and when I turned the page in my study guide, I saw there was 6 more questions on chapter 1! Haha silly me. So, here are some more thoughts to chew on all about chapter 1

II Peter 1:3 tells us 
          "His devine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness"

That's God btw:). I talked in my last post about how our greatest priority in life should be to glorify God in everything we do and seek after him.  And now, I see God has given us everything we need to do that!! He equips us with everything, every thought, action, verse, and need we may have in our life. So, we should all be living a totally awesome, need for nothing life, right?! 

Well, the only issue is sin. That nasty little black spot in Gods perfect plan. Sin makes us fail to trust God,